Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Zero to Hero: Rocket Feet

In the “Megaman X” series one of the most powerful characters is the Z-saber wielding Zero. Zero’s capabilities are beyond current technology by centuries, as demonstrated most by his reveal trailer for “Marvel vs. Capcom 3”
With abilities like the Hadangeki: a fast moving laser slice, and the Sougenmu, a super move which makes a copy that shadows all of his moves. it is hard to believe a robot like this could even exist in the far distant future.  However, I’m here to talk about one of Zeros lesser known abilities, dashing. Zero can perform a quick burst forward or backwards using small rockets in his feet, and I’m going to demonstrate the most accurate version, as well as a possible of modern recreation.

The end of the rocket is in the center of the sole of his foot, which is where the thrust is released. This is obvious; the real question is how do they work? Zero’s lower leg is notably shaped like a funnel which is where rods of gasoline are stored in a vertical octagon. Each foot as one of these assemblies, with the gasoline rods on tap for when necessary. The gas is flows from the bottom of one of the tubes into the mini-carburetor in which it then ignites. The resulting fire creates thrust with a force of about 15 feet per millisecond, which travels through the short channel in Zero’s foot propelling him forward.

Dashing however, is not meant to be used long term. Zero’s design had able to run faster than any human already, so why incorporate dashing? Why not use it to grant Zero full flight capabilities? Dr. Wily- Zero’s creator- most likely to included the dash ability as a tactic in two different ways: space control, and to pressure the opponent. The dash can propel forward and backward, and is useful for escaping attacks. He can also use it to jump higher as well as slow his decent. This adds a whole new strategy to how he would approach and escape his opponent. This can also be used to psyche the opponent out. Watching you enemy evade almost every attack on the ground and in the air would be a confusing and distracting spectacle, and would  indivertibly lower said fighter’s guard, since AI at this time period has reached the point of mimicking human emotion. If Dr. Wily had intended to include flight in Zero’s design, Zero would have required wings or something like that, since the actual amount of fuel in Zero’s feet is not enough to create full fledged flight.

This is probably still very outlandish, and it is. Zero is a robot built in the year 200X to defeat Megaman. However he was stored away for 100 years, accidently released and became a Maverick Hunter, and became best friends with Megaman X (fail). However, this is the best time to compare Zero to his older brother Bass, so that you, the reader, can get a better understanding of the dashing ability’s past. http://www.wiinintendo.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/bass-megaman.jpg By looking at Bass’ helmet, you’ll notice that it has these wings on the side, resembling of the sides of the head of a cobra. These were most likely used for a gliding effect since they are not large enough for flight. Without them Bass’ dash would be difficult to control, since they were most likely too powerful in the initial design. Zero’s boosters are more controlled in his feet since he does not have any gliding part like Bass.

Over all, Zero is incredibly powerful, and one of my favorite characters in all of gaming history. His Z-saber and Z-buster hold many abilities which he has learned over time from the defeat of his enemies. There are still many mysteries about his design, such as how his sword is capable of stealing his defeated enemy’s moves, how his hand can quickly turn into a gun, and the biggest question, how did that hair get there, and most of these will probably remain unanswered. But as alien as he, and the world he lives in are, Zero proves that there is some science to science fiction.

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