Saturday, November 19, 2011

How Rumors Spread

(This post is by Elijah)

Rumors spread throughout peers almost as quickly viruses spread throughout your body. Rumors all start with one person, then it travels on to the next, then the next, then the next. They basically start by people saying "Oh snap! I herd you __". Then it spreads throughout your friends and it gets even worse as it reaches your enemies.
  When rumors reach different people, it always starts with a different story each time. " Oh he did this, or she did that". Rumors are basically false stories that change up each time another person gets hold of the story.
   People think rumors are cool these days when all they are is fiction stories waiting to be told by the next person. 
  Rumors can make relationships and take relationships. Usually if a rumor is spread during school, it normally told about another person or thing. Some people are very gullible, which means that they believe in many things easily.
  I'm hoping that rumors throughout the U.S would come o an end, because it could ruin relationships or maybe even ruin someones life.

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