Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why do people change when they fall in love? by Ashley

Why is it that when someone falls in love they become almost a totally different person?

I ask this because I've noticed how much people I know have changed after they fall in love. They become almost like totally different people, the way they talk and the way they walk even changes. So what causes this to happen to people?

Well what happens is as you start to have the feeling of being in love? Your brain starts to release large amounts of dopamine, which gives you almost a feeling of being high on drugs. It also makes a person feel like they can do anything and nothing can stop them.

Falling in love is a very powerful drug, because the dopamine gives a person a feeling of being able to do anything, the people experiencing this felling may try to do things that are dangerous or bad for them. A person may try drugs because they want to feel that kind of high, someone might also try to do something like skydiving or something like that. Just to have that kind of rush.

love Pictures, Images and Photos

Men and women also have different reactions to the amount of dopamine that is being released in to their body. Women are usually more emotional when they fall in love, but they can also be more about sex when they fall in love, it all just depends on the person. Men on the other hand are usually more about sex when they fall in love, but they can also be very emotional about falling in love, it all just depends on the person.

So why do some people get more emotional when they fall in love, then other people? I think that most people who are more emotional when they fall in love are people who are more creative and artsy people, who seem to love deeper and longer. Nerds just seem to love people longer; at least that’s what I’ve seen from the people around me. Don’t get me wrong nerds are very sexual, but of my friends who are nerds, and are in relationships, have relationships that are more emotional.

People who are more about sex and not that emotional when they fall in love, are people who are more likely to play sports, not play video games (or if they do play video games they only play Call of Duty), or people who only think about themselves. People who are seen as jocks from the people that I know, don’t really seem to care about the relationship has much has they care about the sexual aspect of the relationship. A lot of the jocks that I know have very short relationships, and after they break up they don’t really seem to care. Also please don’t think that I’m trying to lump everyone together, I’m just going off over people that I know.

I think that nerds usually fall in love harder and faster, is because if the things they do everyday. Like because a lot of my friends don’t have as much to do have school they can spend more time with the person they’re dating, and because they spend more time with them the amount of dopamine released may be larger then someone who can only spend a short amount of time with the person they are dating, or it could be the total opposite. It all really depends on how much you like the person that you are with.

1 comment:

  1. 1.Could you possibly have some proper citations for these claims?
    2."Nerds just seem to love people longer; at least that’s what I’ve seen from the people around me"
    ...Define "nerd". Define "love"
    3."People who are more about sex and not that emotional when they fall in love, are people who are more likely to play sports"
    -[Citation needed]
    4."because they spend more time with them the amount of dopamine released may be larger"
    -Do you mean...Oxytocin?
    5."Why is it that when someone falls in love they become almost a totally different person?"
    -[Citation Needed]
    -Do you have any objective evidence for this claim?
    -What is the scale that you are using to determine the total amount of "differentness".
    6."Women are usually more emotional when they fall in love"
    -Have you found a neuro/psychological basis for this at all or are you just saying this. Also by what scale are we using to measure emotion. If you are defining it as just simply an outward show of affection I think that may be flawed. A male could, psychologically, be as emotional as his female counterpart but yet not show it outwardly.
    7."Don’t get me wrong nerds are very sexual"
    -Define "nerd"
    -Are you defining sexual as "participating in sexual activity"?
    -Define "very"


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