Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Three Chips: Which is Healthier?

Chips are one of the most common past-time comfort foods out there.  None of them are really healthy, but there are some which stand out as the healthier of these chips.  My job is to find out and to tell you which chips are healthier.  There are three chips that I am going to be comparing.  These chips are Doritos Nacho Cheese Chips, Lay's Classic Chips, and Herr's Original Potato Chips.  I believe that Lay's Classic Chips are the healthiest of the three because they dont taste as salty as the others, and Herr's Potato chips sometimes have a substantial amount of oil within the chips themselves. Thus, Lay's Classic Chips are probably the healthiest of the three.  You may be thinking to yourselves that the healthiness of these chips probably won't affect you, but they do, and I'm here to help you choose the healthier chip.
There are many factors that determine the healthiness of food.  A lot of these factors are so specific and scientific that you may get bored from just reading all of it.  Therefore I will stick to factors that most people know and are probably interested about.  These factors are: saturated fat, sodium, and the total carbohydrates.  Herr's Original Potato chips have 2.5g of saturated fat, 180mg of sodium, and 16g of carbohydrates.  Doritos Nacho Cheese Chips have 1g of saturated fat, 210mg of sodium, and 16g of carbohydrates.  Lay's Classic Chips on the other hand have 1.5 g of saturated fat, 170mg of sodium, and 15g of carbohydrates.  Some of you may be wondering about what exactly these numbers mean.  Well don't worry, I will explain.  Sodium controls blood pressure and blood volume.  It sounds good, but having too much will cause problems such as congestive heart failure or cirrhosis.  That is why we'll lean towards the food with lower sodium: Lay's Classic Potato Chips.  Next we have saturated fat which increases your LDL levels and decreases your HDL levels.  Having high LDL levels are generally dangerous for your health, so having low saturated fat will be beneficial. Doritos Nacho Cheese Chips have the least saturated fat, so they are healthier in this department.  Lastly, we shall look at the total carbohydrates.  They provide energy for your body, but having too much will result in weight gain and possibly diabetes.  Therefore, we shall look for the chip with the lowest carbs of the three:  Lay's Classic Chips.  Now, you have seen for yourself which chip is statistically the healthiest by looking at these three factors.  Lay's Classic Chips seem to be the healthiest by having the least amount of carbs and sodium.  My prediction turned out to be correct because I believed that Lay's Classic Chips would be the healthiest, and they are.
Some of you might be skeptical and wonder about how realiatic these serving sizes are exactly.  At an 1 ounce per serving, I believe that these serving sizes are a bit unrealistic because I usually eat 2-3 ounces of chips whenever I do eat chips.  Now, some might be thinking about how true my statistics are if the serving sizes are unrealistic.  Well, all the serving sizes of these three chips are 1 ounce, and that means that it is easier to determine the nutritional values without worrying about how the serving size will affect these values.

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