There are several reasons why swimmers shave there bodies. First off swimmers often tend to shave before a meet or a big tournament. Shaving for swimmers makes a difference in time. It could make a difference from winning a race or losing a race. Yeah people that swim for fun like recreational pools probably think nothing of this, but for Olympic athletes .01 of a second could be the difference of gold to a silver metal. For swimmers getting rid of body hair it helps you to be more aerodynamic, which is good in competitive swimming. “The real purpose of shaving is to remove the thin layer of dead skin cells that coat the outer layer of the epidermis. This reveals fresher, more sensitive cells and results in a heightened feel for the water. While the body is constantly shedding its top layer of dead skin cells anyway, the use of a razor speeds up the process and removes cells all at once, not a few at a time. As anyone can attest, putting on a pair of jeans or getting under the sheets after a fresh full-body shave is a refreshing sensation that translates into feeling faster in the water, stated in” Also it is said that it give swimmers a better mind set going into a competitive swim. Although it might not change times on some swimmers they have the mindset that it will and it just might make the difference between a win or lose in your particular race. Do you think that shaving as a swimmer would make you faster?

Is it possible for the hairs to break water tension and let water "flow" around more? also full body suits are very comfortable