Are we really alone in the universe? I have asked myself that question plenty of times before and you probably have too. We've all seen E.T., Independence Day, and Star Wars but what is actually out there. There might be intelligent life like ourselves, or there just might be empty planets upon, more empty planets, upon even more empty planets. Some believe we may never know. Others are confident in the fact that we might indeed discover Extra Terrestrial life out in the deep depths of space.
In our very own galaxy we have a planet somewhat similar to ours. Can you guess it? Mars! Mars shows deceased signs of life millions of billions of years old. The cold red planet also shows carvings in the rocks that show that water was once there. Where there is water, there is life. If life was once on Mars then that just opens up the realm of possibilities for life being on any other planet out there in the universe. Click here.
We do not have the technology to get out and search through the universe like in Star Wars so there is no way to prove that there is any other forms of life out there besides us. Although we are finding new and interesting ways to search through the stars. Scientists are now developing new telescopes to zome in to the sky and look at planets far out there that are not visible to the naked eye. Just recently scientists discovered new habitable exoplanets that might possess some forms of life. Click here.
We learned in Biology class that many organisms have evolved from single-celled organisms over billions of years. If our planet has the capabilities of that, who's to say that there isn't another planet out there that can do the same. We aren't aware of even a fraction of the planets in the universe. For all we know there could be a planet out there that's just like us. There could be a planet out there that's just like the movie "Planet 51" with little green people like in the image above. There could even be a planet out there with...who know's. All I know is that space technology is increasing everyday and that some day we will know for sure if we are truely alone in the universe.
What do you think?
I heard of a really interesting Earthlike planet that was discovered called Gliese 581 C. It is about the size of Earth and is in an area where liquid water and life could form.