The topic of the origin of AIDS has been floating above society’s attention for decades. It
was almost impossible to understand how the origin of such a socially devastating epidemic has not been broadcasted publicly. However after reading an article by Leonard G. Horowitz, a Harvard D.M.D, I know realize why. The popular theories on the origin of AIDS contain a mixture of propaganda and “hearsay”. According to Horowitz, there is substantial scientific prove that AIDS did not occur naturally in the first humans, it was developed after unclean syringes containing Hepatitis B vaccinations were injected into the human bloodstream. Many have heard the stories that AIDS “came from Africa”, and a perhaps fewer amount have heard that AIDS “came from homosexuals”.
These statements are a gross over simplification of a very complicated history. The theory that is most supported by scientific data, suggests that AIDS is actually a “man-made” disease! This of course is very appalling, even to me, because the thought of humanity creating its own plague is inexcusable. This is exactly why scientists who are pro-vaccination usually oppose the notion that a vaccine lead rise to the HIV-1 virus, that causes AIDS. It is already apparent why this theory has not hit the mainstream; if the majority of people took the time to research they would find the same answer and the drug companies would lose drastically.
Therefore, it is not unimaginable that doctors and scientists employed by these major drug companies would seek to undermine the theory, even in the face of indisputable evidence. Horowitz explains in an article, Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the “Man-Made” Origin of HIV/AIDS, that there was an iatrogenic (man-made) event between 1910 and 1950. This event involved the transfer of chimpanzee SIV vaccine to humans in Africa in the form of a Hepatitis B vaccine; this same vaccine was also first administered to homosexuals. It was these events that ultimately gave rise to the HIV-1 virus. Society often claims, unfairly, that AIDS “came from Africa”; however the Africans were actually victims of medical negligence.
These statements are a gross over simplification of a very complicated history. The theory that is most supported by scientific data, suggests that AIDS is actually a “man-made” disease! This of course is very appalling, even to me, because the thought of humanity creating its own plague is inexcusable. This is exactly why scientists who are pro-vaccination usually oppose the notion that a vaccine lead rise to the HIV-1 virus, that causes AIDS. It is already apparent why this theory has not hit the mainstream; if the majority of people took the time to research they would find the same answer and the drug companies would lose drastically.
Therefore, it is not unimaginable that doctors and scientists employed by these major drug companies would seek to undermine the theory, even in the face of indisputable evidence. Horowitz explains in an article, Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the “Man-Made” Origin of HIV/AIDS, that there was an iatrogenic (man-made) event between 1910 and 1950. This event involved the transfer of chimpanzee SIV vaccine to humans in Africa in the form of a Hepatitis B vaccine; this same vaccine was also first administered to homosexuals. It was these events that ultimately gave rise to the HIV-1 virus. Society often claims, unfairly, that AIDS “came from Africa”; however the Africans were actually victims of medical negligence.
The Article: http://www.originofaids.com/articles/early.htm
Not sure I buy this theory as credible...
ReplyDeleteI always heard more reports of the HIV viruses coming from a descendent strain of a virus that was located in a specie of primate. This strain eventually crossed over to humans. Or, the cross over could of come from polio vaccinations. This is an interesting theory about Hepatitis B.
ReplyDeleteI might not have been descriptive enough in my blog. Here’s a segment from Horowitz article; “According to scientific records,2 African chimpanzees were used in the manufacture of the HB vaccines during the early 1970s. Additional documents prove that human HB viruses cultured in vivo in chimpanzees were returned to humans whose infected blood serum was then pooled to develop four different strains of experimental HB vaccine pilot tested between 1970 and 1975 in New York City and central Africa.” This is the basis of the Hepatitis B origin! During the process of searching for an effective vaccine for Hepatitis B for humans, chimpanzees were used as test subjects. These chimpanzees were infected with the HB virus and their infected blood was extracted and ultimately injected into humans, most likely in the form of a primitive vaccination. The same goes for polio. As we are currently learning in chapter 18, viruses are unpredictable; they are constantly mutating and often remain one step ahead of their host cells defense mechanism. As far as HIV being intentionally synthesized, I’m not completely convinced either. However if Hepatitis B viruses were injected, along with chimpanzee DNA via unclean syringes the odds of mutation are more probable than not. Horowitz provides factual prove in his article that Hepatitis B was injected into humans in Africa in this fashion and these subjects later developed HIV as a result. It is a very interesting article; the link is at the bottom of this blog post.
ReplyDeleteHorowitz also has a video on YouTube of him explaining this theory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-VhkR9FGvA