However this healthy food is not what is seems to be; Jim Rutz's, a healthy eater, comments that "There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our children and threatening to tear apart our culture." Soy inhibits certain proteins and absorbs minerals that we obtain in other foods that are necessary. Resesarches who have been experimenting on soy products are getting results. Even though soy helps prevent certain diseases it contains the hormone known as estrogen, that fuels the risk of getting cancer in breast cells (site). Estrogen is a female hormone that all infants are given when in the womb until testosterone (male hormone) takes control so that they baby becomes a boy. Soy products contain surplus amuonts of estrogen and can cause problems to a growing body. Such as feeding a new born baby with soy formula is like giving them five birth control pills a day, that can cause some damage and even lead it to being fatal. As for growing girls they will have their menstrual cycles much earlier, ruining their childhood. While vice versa for growing boys will have puberty much later and continue to have their fresh clean faces and

Older but not too old men sadly get the down fall to drinks or eating too much soy products. If we think about to the blog about lactating men, we can finally see how men can have breast and help breast to thier children. As said before testosterone is a male hormone and making ingesting estrogen through food, estrogen can over power the male features and give them what we would call man boobs ( the picture to the right is of a man who once had man boobs but had surgery done to get rid of them) . If they continued to have soy we would probably assume that they start producing milk and lactate.
Other issuses that can be explained; like that the common decrease in the size of the penis's, especially in Asians since they intake 47 mg compared to us Americans that use 1-6 mg. Another issue that never ending discussion on if someone is born gay or choose to be gay. Homosexuals argue that their homosecuality is inborn, “I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t homosexual” and they have the right to say that becasue who can honestly remember being bottle regular or soy formula or breast feed (pregnant women who drink soy milk, increase their estrogen which gets passed down through breast milk).
For people who have soy daily should think twice about how much they want to have for the sie effects can be deadly. For more information on Soy and how it effects us go to this site by Jim Rutz’s and all six of his pages on this topic.

How much intake of foods/beverages that contain soy are needed to cause these effects?
ReplyDeleteResearchers are still trying to figure that out themselves since isoflavones (a plant derived compund with a weaker form of estrogen then humans) are found in low amounts in vegetables and grains. Here is a site(http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/soyiso/#sourcesthat) , if you scroll down to Sources, it gives a chart on the highest amounts of isoflavone in certain products. Then lower it gives a chart on infant formula's with isoflavone in it.
ReplyDeleteAre the effects of soy reversible?
ReplyDelete@Danielle the effects of soy in adults can be reversiblethrough a certain process to return levels of estrogen back to normal but for infants the effects are more likely to be irreversible since their bodies and immune systems are still getting situated.
ReplyDeleteWoah, that's crazy. But I'm not quite clear on what you mean, I get that it ruins your body and makes you get puberty early, but what does soy in breastmilk do to their children?