Can The Pope
Contribute to Stem Cell Success?
Stem Cell research has been a very controversial issue, not only in this country, but around the world. People have had countless arguments and debates over the possible success versus the debatably unethical harvesting. People who are fighting to use stem cells are confident that stem cells will be able to cure many diseases, disabilities such as paralysis (right), and degenerative illnesses. These scientists say that stem cells can open worlds of new possibilities in medicine but they need funding and permission to obtain cells to experiment with. There have even been reports demonstrating success of these cells in constructing prosthetic organs such as livers, lungs and even functional human hearts. People are opposing stem cell research because of the way stem cells are harvested for
experimentation in the lab. There are many types of stem cells that can be used for these experiments, including adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Stem cell research is not being fully funded by the government as many people oppose the harvesting methods and uses of embryonic stem cells. In some cases cells are harvested from dead embryos so an embryo must die which is where human rights and ethics come into play.
Throughout the world stem cell research is not as fully funded as other scientific ventures because of this ethical boundary that is debatably being crossed with the use of embryonic stem cells. Many different rules and institutions from religion to government have deeply affected this success. But, some of these institutions are finding a middle ground in the never ending search for medicine. Just this past week of November 20, 2011 a conference at the Vatican revealed the Catholic Church’s stand on this controversial issue. Pope Benedict XVI (below) has stated in the recent conference that the church cannot condone the use of embryonic stem cells for research due to the possible loss of human life.(Pope Benedict XVI Announces Catholic Support For Adult Stem Cell Research « CBS New York) This is against church doctrine and is forbidden. But, the use of adult stem ce
lls is condoned and is not frowned upon but is actually supported in order to discover medicine to treat such illnesses.
With this newly found support from the Catholic Church this research could be moving in a very positive direction. This conference, in the Pope's eyes, helped people see that they do not have to choose between science and faith about this issue. This debate has been the heart of the problem and has crippled success in this field of science for years. This conference could be a door opening to a world of possibilities for stem cell success, not just in this country but for scientists throughout the world. What d
o you think? Do you agree with the Pope? Is Stem cell research still unethical if adult stem cells are used? Do you think the government will fund research after the Pope's statement and do you think it should fund research for stem cells due to this conference?
Contribute to Stem Cell Success?
Stem Cell research has been a very controversial issue, not only in this country, but around the world. People have had countless arguments and debates over the possible success versus the debatably unethical harvesting. People who are fighting to use stem cells are confident that stem cells will be able to cure many diseases, disabilities such as paralysis (right), and degenerative illnesses. These scientists say that stem cells can open worlds of new possibilities in medicine but they need funding and permission to obtain cells to experiment with. There have even been reports demonstrating success of these cells in constructing prosthetic organs such as livers, lungs and even functional human hearts. People are opposing stem cell research because of the way stem cells are harvested for

Throughout the world stem cell research is not as fully funded as other scientific ventures because of this ethical boundary that is debatably being crossed with the use of embryonic stem cells. Many different rules and institutions from religion to government have deeply affected this success. But, some of these institutions are finding a middle ground in the never ending search for medicine. Just this past week of November 20, 2011 a conference at the Vatican revealed the Catholic Church’s stand on this controversial issue. Pope Benedict XVI (below) has stated in the recent conference that the church cannot condone the use of embryonic stem cells for research due to the possible loss of human life.(Pope Benedict XVI Announces Catholic Support For Adult Stem Cell Research « CBS New York) This is against church doctrine and is forbidden. But, the use of adult stem ce

With this newly found support from the Catholic Church this research could be moving in a very positive direction. This conference, in the Pope's eyes, helped people see that they do not have to choose between science and faith about this issue. This debate has been the heart of the problem and has crippled success in this field of science for years. This conference could be a door opening to a world of possibilities for stem cell success, not just in this country but for scientists throughout the world. What d

Where are the adult stem cells coming from?
ReplyDeleteI think stem cell research is ethical but I don't think the government is going to fund it just because of what the pope said. Your blog was very informative.
ReplyDeleteThe Pope probably won't influence our government but his words could inspire other governments to fund stem cell research. So we are still getting closer to harnessing their capabilities...Adult stem cells can come from donors or people who donate their bodies to science
ReplyDeleteA lot of people are moving away from religion, especially America, so I would agree with Anthony. What it boils down to is when does one consider life begins. I believe at conception but this is a debate for another day. I believe your class may actually have this debate soon.
ReplyDeleteThe questions that roman catholics have been debating for however long is whether this is ethical, right? Some people argue that stem cells will save many peoples' lives and give better lives to invalids and the injured. Others argue that the stem cells that give life or comfort to another person are the stem cells that have been stolen, and the lifeforce that has been stolen, from another potential person. As a catholic, I support the stem cell research because I believe that there are so many people on this planet that we need to take care of the people already here, rather than worry about who will be coming in the future. But I know many people disagree. I respect other opinions, but perhaps some other explanations could be shared?
ReplyDeleteThe pope contributing to the adult stem cell research won't really affect the government's decision unless some "miracle" happens.
ReplyDeleteBut I think the question is will this research help people in the future rather than is it ethical or not.