On Thanksgiving Day everybody wants to eat everything that is cooked and on the table. Also all
the food on the table isn’t healthy for you. So I am here to tell you all the
food that is healthy and has nutrients in it. I will also tell some of the
other food that isn’t healthy but still taste great.
Here are the top five healthiest foods.

1. Pumpkin - Pumpkin is rich in Vitamin A and also provides
fiber. Pumpkin seeds are high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty
acids (the good fats). Pumpkin itself is quite low in calories and is a healthy
holiday food.

2. Cranberries - Cranberries are packed with Vitamin C and
also provide a fair amount of dietary fiber
and manganese.

3. Sweet Potato - Sweet Potato is a rich of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and beta-carotene. Similar to the banana, it is also an excellent source of potassium. If you eat the skin, you will also reap the health benefits of fiber, making the sweet potato a healthy holiday food.
4. Turkey -

amount of fat per serving, among all other meats, if you pass on the skin.

They are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K (important in bone health)
and manganese. They also contain a good amount of vitamin A, dietary fiber,
potassium, foliate, and iron.
Food that is unhealthy to eat
Green bean casserole tastes so good because it’s creamy and salty.
Potatoes are healthy source of complex carbohydrates, but potato dishes often come with
butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, brown sugar and marshmallows.
Gravy is basically fat and flour.
Fun facts.
•Each year,the average American eats somewhere between 16 - 18 pounds of turkey.
•Californians are the largest consumers of turkey in the United States.
•Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States.
•Although,Thanksgiving is widely considered an American holiday, it is also celebrated on
the second Monday in October in Canada.
•The average weight of a turkey purchased at Thanksgiving is 15 pounds.
•The heaviest turkey ever raised was 86 pounds, about the size of a large dog.
•A 15 pound turkey usually has about 70 percent white meat and 30 percent dark meat.
•Turkey has more protein than chicken or beef. http://www.whsv.com/seasonal/misc/33852054.html
So here is some information about thanksgiving food. So I am not saying to go out and
change your thanksgiving meal but next time, try to cook it different so it’s
better for you.
I really liked this post, it was very informative.
ReplyDeleteVery well done, but my question is to whether these foods are as healthy when they are cooked? I know that pumkin and sweet potatoe are great veggies when baked lightly, but with other ingrediants until they are mush? Then what?