Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do aliens exist

I believe everyone in their lifetime has probably heard stories about UFO sightings and aliens. The big question is whether extraterrestrial life exists. Many people believed that there is life in our solar system. Mr. Mitchell was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission believed that other life forms do exist but the government has been keeping it a secret. Mitchell, 78, believes that it is our destiny to become part of the planetary community. That we should try to find out what is really happening outside our solar system. He tried to investigate the 1947 “Roswell incident” in which the military stopped him. The Roswell incident was the recovery of an object that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Many people believed that the object was an extraterrestrial spacecraft and aliens were inside the ship. The Military said that it was just high-altitude surveillance balloon to a classified program Mogul. Still many believe that it was a space craft and that the military is keeping it a secret. That incident was then completely forgotten for almost 30 years until someone brought it up again.
            Area 51 has been the center of all things UFO. Area 51 is an hour northwest away from Las Vegas. It is military base in the desert in which the government doesn’t acknowledge its existence. There have been rumors that area 51 is a place where they hold extraterrestrial for studies. The first time it was brought up was also was in June 1947, the same year as the Roswell Incident (coincidence?) Where these events are linked together is a mystery. On June 1947 a pilot named Kenneth Arnold said that he was flying over Mount Rainier in his plane when he saw a bright flash. He searched frantically for the flash thinking that he was about to collide with another airplane. Then he saw another flash and looks at its direction. He saw 9 objects streaking in the sky in what he estimated in about 1700 miles per hour. He followed the objects for 2 minutes when they suddenly disappeared. This was the spark that started the Whole UFO theory which made headlines around the world. Many people have seen UFO’s over area 51 which made the public think that there are aliens visiting us. Maybe aliens do exist after all after all the sightings reported at area 51 until lately that people who worked there have been revealing about their secret programs. Thornton "T.D." Barnes was an engineer in the area 51 who was working on secret spy planes. They said that area 51 was a good place to test out their spy plane because there was a lot of space to test their planes. They tested planes that clocked speed at 2200 mph. They were the UFO that has been spotted at area 51. Whether you believe in UFO’s or not it’s up to you. The facts support the idea that there was never UFO’s flying around area 51 but spy planes.


  1. How did the incident disappear? It would be surprising if the government didn’t investigate it thoroughly.

  2. What do you think Lance? You think there are aliens out there? Btw, nice blog, good effort too :D

  3. flavio i think aliens exist and tnx :)

  4. I think aliens exist they just don't wanna come here. With the global warming and overpopulation of people. Why would they wanna come here?

  5. I'm just guessing, but being that aliens do exist, maybe they are actually here ALOT, but they are just way more technologically advanced than we are, so we might not be able to see or sense them? Many people don't believe things unless they see them, but seeing doesn't really always mean it isn't there either


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