Ever notice how you immediately feel like yawning right after you see someone yawn, whether right next to you or from far away? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's realized how contagious yawns happen to be. It almost happens in a ripple affect! Well, you're not crazy.
Studies have found that yawns are more contagious when they come from family members or friends. Some even suggest that it is some suggested the behavior was at least in part a form of social empathy which helps people connect with one another. Researchers are finding it more evident that yawns happen to be more or less contagious depending on the relationship between the yawners. How do they figure? Well, children don't develop the contagion until age four, when they become able to interpret other people's emotions properly. Hmm.
So what exactly was the research they conducted you say? Researchers from the University of Pisa in Italy analysed 480 bouts of yawning among 109 adults in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa over a 12-month period and found that it's not their nationality, their skin color, they type of food they eat, where they've grown up, the gender, or age between the people, it was their relationship that was linked between the people.
So it's proven guys, yawning is indeed very contagious.
"Family Member's Yawns Are Most Contagious - Telegraph." Telegraph.co.uk - Telegraph Online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. .
I always believed yamning was contagious because that has always happened to me my whole life