Friday, January 20, 2012

How Important are ALGAE to the World?

How Important are ALGAE to the World?
By Bobby Gardineer

            Are Algae important? Do we need Algae for anything other than fish food? To answer these questions we first need to know “What are Algae?” Notice I used “are” instead of “is” because Algae is plural.
            The Algae classification is a general term which includes a large variety of organisms. Algae belong to the kingdom Protista which is outside of the plant kingdom. Algae range in size from single-celled Chlamydomonas which are found in fresh water lakes to very large Multi-cellular kelp found in the sea.


Most Algae contain green chlorophyll which they, like plants, use to produce their own food though the process of photosynthesis. The photosynthesis process converts carbon dioxide, water, and the Sun’s energy into glucose (sugars) and oxygen. This process is very important to the Earth because Algae and most plants convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into oxygen. Since animals breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide it is very important that Algae and plants breathe in that carbon dioxide and convert it back into oxygen.
So are Algae more important than plants? Do they produce more oxygen then plants? The answer to that question is a big Yes. It is believed by scientists that Algae alone are responsible for producing between 70% and 80% of the Earths oxygen. That means that all the land plants on Earth put together only produce between 20% and 30% of the world’s oxygen. This fact alone makes Algae extremely important and critical to the survival of all animal species on the planet.
Besides being the primary source of our oxygen, Algae is used by humans as food, medicine, and even used to fight global warming. Some of the most well-known Algae that are used as food are Nori which is used for sushi and seaweed which people put in their salads. But not so well know is that Algae is used in ice cream ,milk shakes, sauces, dressings and many baked goods. There are gelatinous substances in algae are used in the food industry as thickeners and gelling agents.

As a medicine, Some people claim that algae improve our immune system, treat respiratory and skin problems, and cure cold sores. Algae also contain Iodine which is good for the thyroid. Chinese medicine use algae in the treatment of cancer and for goiters, edema, urinary infections and sore throat. In the fight against global warming, Algae takes in carbon dioxide (CO2), the main culprit cited in global warming and converts it to oxygen.
            So how important is Algae? It’s our primary source of oxygen, we use it in foods, we use it in medicine and it helps fight global warming. I would say that’s pretty import. Wouldn’t you?

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