Nuclear power, is a good and natural source of energy, but the radiation it emits can be quite deadly to humans and animals. For this reason, governments are cautious about launching nuclear bombs. I want to know how nuclear radiation affects people who are exposed to it.
Nuclear energy can be produced in two different ways. One method is called
Nuclear Fission and the other method is called
Nuclear Fusion. Nuclear Fission works when one splits the nuclei of atoms. This causes energy to be released. For example, atomic bombs and nuclear reactors utilize the method of nuclear fission. The element that is used as fuel to make nuclear fission possible, is uranium. Uranium is the ideal element for this method because a uranium nuclei can be split easily by shooting neutrons at it. Another reason it is used is that when the uranium splits, more neutrons are produced, and can then be used to split more uranium nuclei. This is a process called a chained reaction. Nuclear Fusion works when the nuclei of

atoms fuse together under high levels of heat. The heat to cause this reaction comes from an atomic bomb. When the right level of heat is acheived, hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form helium. While the helium is being formed large amounts of energy are released, and produce big explosions. The sun and other stars use this type of method to make energy. This method is also used to make hydrogen bombs.

Now that we know how nuclear energy is made, we can now figure out why the radiation produced, can kill people. When a nuclear explosion takes place, or a nuclear reactor has a meltdown, radiation is released. Most of the radiation released by nuclear explosions and reactors, is ionizing radiation. This radiation, can turn neutral atoms into ions, because of its charge. If you are exposed to the radiation, there is a possibility that the ions could be produced near or in important cells in your body. For example, the ionizing radiation could hit your DNA, and change it. It would it by making the atom bond differently than it had before. The changing of that one DNA atom could mutate your DNA and make you sick, or even kill you. Dying from radiation is called radiation sickness, and it is painful.
In conclusion, Nuclear energy is a clean source of energy, but the radiation it can emit can end your life. There are two different ways to make nuclear energy. One way is by Nuclear Fission, in which the nuclei of atoms is split, and energy is released. The other way is by Nuclear Fusion, in which the nuclei of hydrogen molecules fuse together under high heat to produce helium, all the while producing a lot of energy. Being exposed to ionizing radiation puts one at risk of having he or she's DNA or cells mutated. A process that can cause radiation sickness, which can kill you. With all that I have explained, do you believe that we, as humans, should continue to use Nuclear energy?
I think the advantages to nuclear energy far out way the potential risks. The possibilities of nuclear meltdowns or fallout become more and more slim and the benefits become more and more noticeable.