Monday, April 30, 2012

what causes Hiccups?

Once in a while everyone gets Hiccups. Everyone has there methods to get rid of them also. Hiccups are an annoying part of everyones day. Has anyone ever thought of why we receive Hiccups? Another question like why we receive Hiccups. What causes Hiccups? Maybe we will find out.

There is a diaphragm in your vocals that messes around several times per minute it, recurs. A diaphragm is a muscle in the vocal are, a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is a major function of breathing which humans I'm guessing need. It is actually underneath the ribcage. If you tried to stop a Hiccup you would no there is no way of stopping it, Hiccups are uncontrollable. Usually a Hiccup goes away on it own as we know. If you didn't know there are actually two types of hiccups, one called Persistent-protracted Hiccups. Your wondering what that is? PPH is a Hiccup that last over 48 hours. One other is called Intractable Hiccups. These Hiccups happen for more then a month. that has to be annoying.

There is nothing really that causes Hiccups. In fact studies show that Hiccups has no real purpose. where does that "Hic" sound come from? the sudden rush of air into the lungs causes the epiglottis to close, creating the "Hic" sound. what is a epiglottis? It is actually a cartilage flap covered with a mucus membrane and also attached to the root of the tongue.  A reflection action is really what a hiccup is, a reflex arc actually. A lot of people try to get rid of Hiccups many of ways, there is no real medical cure. the most popular I hear of is fright. Also in research i have done I have seen that fright is the most common cure. Hiccups are really nothing to worry about. From research I've read apparently drinking a great amount of water cures Hiccups most of the time.

Hiccups may occur from eating a lot, exhaustion, or even excitement. Hiccups are not really a medical condition. The most information accurate i found about Hiccups is that it is a diaphragmatic spasm causing a sudden inhalation that is interrupted by a spasmodic closure of the glottis, producing a noise.  would you like to know how to avoid Hiccups? Avoid temperature change also eating rapidly and fizzy drinks.  More ways to get rid of hiccups are kind of like house tricks. some of them are; bitting a lemon, breathing into a paper bag, holding your breath, lean forward compressing your chest, ice cold water and tasting a bit of vinegar.

By Jody Conover

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