Monday, May 7, 2012


Tired Much?


Narcolepsy is common in the United States, that of
Course being to the regular human, you wake up at a
Certain time and you go to sleep at a certain time. But
What happens if you went to sleep out of no where?
Walking to the store, running on the track field, driving
In a car. Narcolepsy is a neurological sleep disorder that is caused by numerous genes passed down from your parents. A small peptide called hypocretin that operates in the hypothalamus might be the cause. The hypothalamus is normally working around the parts of the brain associated with sleep, hunger, and well-being.

        For those that are completely lost, let me break down all these big named words: the hypothalamus controls the main body processes like setting your correct body temperature, when you wake up, when you go to sleep, and your hunger. Some symptoms of narcolepsy that you may have are hallucinating, micro naps which is sleeping without knowing your sleeping which last from 30 seconds to a minuet, sleepy paralysis which is when you can’t move at the ending of your sleep or the beginning of your sleep. Almost 200,000 Americans are effect with narcolepsy. Most experience its symptoms when the are teenagers but you start to notice around 35-45 years old, and it effect both men and women equally!

        So how would you know if you had narcolepsy? Some fall asleep out of boredom everyday. Well for starters you would have trouble sleeping and breathing at night, snoring a lot, waking up with throbbing headaches, and micro napping.

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