Significance of Dehydration
Dehydration mostly concerns athletes who do hard work training for competition. If you’re not an athlete do you receive a dry throat a little bit too often? Dehydration is a major concept in young individuals and old. What causes dehydration? How do we get it? Once in a while everyone gets dehydrated but it can turn into a major problem. We will see how.
Dehydration is easy to come across. 75% of body weight is due to h20. Losing water is easy, breathing; sweat and urination are some ways to cause water to leave the body rapidly. Dehydration occurs because there is too much water lost, not enough water taken in, or most often a combination of the two. Mild dehydration is things like dry or sticky throat. If you are walking around the mall a lot most of the time you stop and purchase a beverage. Walking through a mall can be tiring which causes thirst.
A more serious case of dehydration causes few or no tears when crying, dry skin and headache. Something to be worried about is an extreme case of dehydration. So some symptoms are, low blood pressure rapid heartbeat, lack of sweating and fever. This is when you should attend a doctor’s office. When you a healthy person you can usually treat dehydration with a water or Gatorade. Get immediate medical care if you develop severe signs and symptoms such as extreme thirst, a lack of urination, shriveled skin, dizziness and confusion. Walking around in hot temperatures causes the body to sweat. This cause steps of dehydration.
By: Jody Conover