Cheetahs is the fastest land animal in the world. Its top speed is 70 mph. Cheetahs are lightweight and small, only grow about 3 feet tall and 4 feet long. More than half of that length is the tail, which is crucial to maintaining control during a 70 mph chase. On the open savannas of Iran and parts of Africa, cheetahs are amazing examples of specialization which is for speed. Cheetahs chase after prey last for only 30 seconds before he gets his hands on it. Cheetah moms spend a lot of time teaching their cubs to chase, sometimes dragging live animals back to the den so the cubs can practice the chase and catch process. The speed of the cheetah comes from the way their body is build. It has a soft back bone that easily bend. That allows the cat the spring forward in a good leaps. The cheetah gets alot of grip from there long thin claws. They can put up to more then 60 miles per hour in three seconds .
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Significance of Dehydration
Significance of Dehydration
Dehydration mostly concerns athletes who do hard work training for competition. If you’re not an athlete do you receive a dry throat a little bit too often? Dehydration is a major concept in young individuals and old. What causes dehydration? How do we get it? Once in a while everyone gets dehydrated but it can turn into a major problem. We will see how.
Dehydration is easy to come across. 75% of body weight is due to h20. Losing water is easy, breathing; sweat and urination are some ways to cause water to leave the body rapidly. Dehydration occurs because there is too much water lost, not enough water taken in, or most often a combination of the two. Mild dehydration is things like dry or sticky throat. If you are walking around the mall a lot most of the time you stop and purchase a beverage. Walking through a mall can be tiring which causes thirst.
A more serious case of dehydration causes few or no tears when crying, dry skin and headache. Something to be worried about is an extreme case of dehydration. So some symptoms are, low blood pressure rapid heartbeat, lack of sweating and fever. This is when you should attend a doctor’s office. When you a healthy person you can usually treat dehydration with a water or Gatorade. Get immediate medical care if you develop severe signs and symptoms such as extreme thirst, a lack of urination, shriveled skin, dizziness and confusion. Walking around in hot temperatures causes the body to sweat. This cause steps of dehydration.
By: Jody Conover
How is DNA proven genetics?
Mendel found that different gene combinations from the parents resulted in specific ratios of dominant to recessive traits. The results of a cross between two hybrid parents each carrying one dominant and one recessive gene,were key to his synthesis.
When Mendel proposed that each trait is determined by a pair of genes, it presented a potential problem. If parents pass on both copies of a gene pair, then offspring would end up with four genes for each trait. Mendel deduced that sex cells ,sperm and eggs, contain only one parental gene of each pair. The half-sets of genes contributed by sperm and egg restore a whole set of genes in the offspring.
Mendel found that different gene combinations from the parents resulted in specific ratios of dominant to recessive traits. The results of a cross between two hybrid parents each carrying one dominant and one recessive gene,were key to his synthesis.
Rats Get Cancer?
I had a pet rat before and i noticed that they had a tumor in their throat. I wasnt worried about it because my other friend also hada rat with a tumor. I decided to look it up for my blog and came across this website that said you can give your rat a tumor by what you feed... LOL we all know this is not true because ... Mr.Hammer told us that its because of mitosis going crazy
By: Anay Estrada
warm up provides an increase in muscle
Many coaches and physiologists believe that a longer warm up provides an increase in muscle temperature, acceleration of oxygen uptake kinetics, increased anaerobic metabolism and a process called postactivation potentiation of the muscles. However, very few studies have studied if warm ups has a detrimental effect on performance.
As it turns out, the warm-up is one of the more contentious issues in high-performance sport. Different coaches have different theories and not a lot of quality research has been done to identify the optimal warm-up. Tomaras' study suggests that at the very least, athletes may want to lower the intensity and reduce the amount of time that they warm up.
As it turns out, the warm-up is one of the more contentious issues in high-performance sport. Different coaches have different theories and not a lot of quality research has been done to identify the optimal warm-up. Tomaras' study suggests that at the very least, athletes may want to lower the intensity and reduce the amount of time that they warm up.
fatimah"s blog post
Why do sharks attack poeple?
Sharks attack people because they mistaken us as seals. I say if sharks attack humans they she but sedated or killed.Also some sharks are females and they have babies. If you ever go near a female sharks terrritory they will kill anything that is in there way. It is very uncommon for a shark to attack people, but if they do, they probably are hungry and think that the person they see is an animal like a seal. .they may also feel territorial and think that you are going to attack them so they attach you first.
They eat meat and if you are bleeding they smell it and will go into a frenzy until they find you and eat you.
Remember that sharks dont come on land to eat you and if your in shallow water they wont bite you. they can only get you if you are in their territory. They dont rarely attack only when they are feel as though there terriotory is being attacked or disturbed. There is less than 15 shark attacks happened in a minute threw out the untied states. But sharks attack poeple because they are sometimes misatking as other common prey to the sharks like fish and seals.
Remember that sharks dont come on land to eat you and if your in shallow water they wont bite you. they can only get you if you are in their territory. They dont rarely attack only when they are feel as though there terriotory is being attacked or disturbed. There is less than 15 shark attacks happened in a minute threw out the untied states. But sharks attack poeple because they are sometimes misatking as other common prey to the sharks like fish and seals.
Andre Jackson
High metabolism
I always thought to myself why I don’t gain as much weight that I need. I eat a lot of food and never get fat off of it! I thought my body was just athletically fit meaning I can not get out of shape. As I learned more to my knowledge, I realized my metabolism must be very high. A high metabolism means that the body is burning calories at a greater rate than average. People with high metabolisms can generally eat more food without gaining additional weight which can sometimes be seen as a perk. For others who are forced to constantly consume large amounts of food on a daily basis to maintain their weight, a high metabolism might feel like a curse. I like to work out and do different exercises. My brother told me to take muscle pills so it gives the nutrients I need. I never went on a diet because it was never needed. Someone with a high metabolism will frequently alter their diet so they can consume nutrients that are better for weight gaining. In addition to changing the type of food they eat, an increase in the quantity that is eaten may be necessary as well depending on how fast the metabolism is. As a funny thought, I always wanted to gain weight so I wouldn’t be considered as the little guy.
If you have a high metabolism you might notice that you are having trouble keeping on weight. Even though you think you might be consuming plenty of food if your body is burning it quickly this can result in weight loss. In order to prevent weight loss it is important to understand your daily caloric intake. Keep a food journal which lists what you eat and how many calories each meal contains. You can use this to help you figure out your average daily caloric intake. Once you have figured out your caloric intake you can use it to determine how much more you need to eat every day in order to maintain or gain additional weight. For some this is easier said than done. A high metabolism during adolescence might contribute to issues during puberty. Young females that have a high metabolism might struggle to keep on weight. Without enough body fat they might not be able to begin normal menstrual cycles. If you are unable to keep on weight because of a high metabolism you might have a harder time dealing with potential health issues in the future.
Even though, it might seem bad, there are some benefits of having a high metabolism. As a body with a high metabolism burns food at a much faster rate a person might be able to consume a lot more food without ever putting on addition weight. For some people this is great and they can indulge day after day in their favorite meals. If you do have a slow or average metabolism you might try to maximize your metabolism by exercising. With frequent exercise you can help to jump start your body’s metabolism which will help you to burn off those extra calories when you need to.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Sun
The sun
The Sun is one out of billions of stars. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. The Sun rotates once every 27 days. The Sun is now a middle-aged star, meaning it is at about the middle of its life. The Sun formed over four and a half billion years ago. You may think the Sun will die soon, but it will keep shining for at least another five billion years. Its mass is large, the earthe makes atleast 1/4 of its size. The sun is one facinating thing to observ. The sun's surface is called photosphere. The photosphere temperature is about 10,000 fahrenheit.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Can chaga disease be the new HIV/aids of the united states?
Chagas disease is a tropical illness that is transmitted by biting insects this may pose a unseen threat to poor populations in the Americas and Europe.Chagas disease is called the new HIV/aid because there is no possible cure for desiese.While HIV/AIDS attacks the body's immune system, Chagas afflicts the heart and digestive organs Chagas disease can include inflammation of the heart, esophagus and colon, as well as irregular heartbeat and heart failure. According to The New York Times, one quarter of people that contract Chagas disease eventually develop enlarged organs that can potentially burst, causing sudden death. The disease already afflicts about 10 million people in Central and South America, and researchers are concerned that the disease could spread to the United States.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Human Body by Marcus
The Human Body by Marcus
The human body is a entire structure of an human organism. The main parts of the body, is the head, neck, torso, two arms, and two legs. As a baby it may have 300 to 350 bones, and for adults 206 bones. But the brain is the most important part of the body. Because the brain has control of all the muscles and bone movement. Also the brain is the center of the nervous system, controlling thoughts, movement, and memories and decisions. The torso is basically a carrier for all the organs. The neck helps the body turn to see thing around you. There's muscles in your neck that are key. Like the muscles for facial expressions, also for chewing, and muscles in the tongue. The arms and legs have almost the same functions. They are used for reaching out and moving around. Also the arms helps reach out for objects and legs depending on the species the legs can be use for many different things. Like walking, standing, hopping, running, trotting, jumping skipping, swimming. But there's so many other things involving the arms and legs. Overtime the human body can wear and tear if you don't have calcium in your body. There's a lot of things out there that can help make your bones grow, or on the other hand there thing that ruin your bones and not so good for the body and mind. One major drink that can help muscles and bones grow is milk, because of the calcium in it. And smoking is the worst thing to for your body because, it damages your lungs and your throat so you cant breath. Also it can ruin your skin overtime from smoking too. In conclusion keeping the body clean from bad things like smoking and bad eating habits. Its the basic aspect of life .
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
clock arrives at perfect time for Venus trip across Sun
NEXT Wednesday the planets will align, providing the last chance in a lifetime to witness Venus travel across the face of the Sun. ( ) <------ My Source --------->